The ECPHG takes part in the following Networks

Public Health Genomics European Network (PHGEN)


In its second phase, PHGEN Network will produce the first edition of "European Best Practice Guidelines for Quality Assurance, Provision and Use of Genome-based Information and Technologies".


Public Population Project in Genomics (P³G)


P³G works with biobankers and other subject-matter experts and promotes collaboration between researchers in the field of population genomics.

Genome-based Research and Population Health International Network (GRaPH-Int)


GRaPH-Int is both a Network and an Enterprise with interdisciplinary goals that support dialogue, research, education and training, communication and stakeholder engagement. It helps transform knowledge and technologies into public policies, programmes and services for the benefit of public health.

Contribution of molecular epidemiology and host-pathogen genomics to understand Chlamydia trachomatis disease.
The consortium aims to structure trans-national research to such degree that comparative genomics and genetic epidemiology on large numbers of unrelated individuals can be performed.

European network for Health Technology Assessment (EUnetHTA)


EUnetHTA aims to develop an organisational framework for a sustainable European Network for HTA. It also aims to devise practical tools to fit into this framework to ensure timely and effective production, dissemination and transfer of HTA results into useful policy advice to the member states and EU.

EuroGentest is an EU-funded Network of Excellence (NoE) with 5 Units looking at all aspects of genetic testing - Quality Management, Information Databases, Public Health, New Technologies and Education. Through a series of initiatives EuroGentest encourages the harmonization of standards and practice in all these areas throughout the EU and beyond.

APOGEE-Net/CanGèneTest is an international research and knowledge network studying health care and health policy challenges in genetic services, including genetic laboratory services. Its general objective is to streamline the technology transfer of clinically useful and cost/effective genetic innovations towards the health care system and support the development of evidence-informed health policies.

German National Genome Research Network (NGFN)

NGFN takes close cooperation among various experts to shed light on the intricate activities of genes and to understand the function of the many yet unknown building blocks of the cell.